
A remote control vehicle or bluetooth robotic car using arduino microcontroller is defined as any mobile device that is controlled by a means that does not restrict its motion with an origin external to the device. This is often a radio control device, cable between control and vehicle or an infrared or Bluetooth controller. A remote control vehicle(Also known as RCV) is always controlled by a human and takes no positive action autonomously. It is vital that a vehicle should be capable of proceeding accurately to a target area; maneuvering within that area to fulfill its mission and returning equally accurately and safely to base. In this project we are using Bluetooth wireless technology to control our robot car which is a very simple communication system. The remote in this project is an android device which has Bluetooth feature built in. The user has to install an application on his/her mobile and turn on the Bluetooth in the mobile phone. User can perform various actions like moving Forward, Backward, move Left and move right using commands that are sent from the android mobile. The Bluetooth is a serial communication medium through which we can connect two devices wirelessly. Here we have used a Bluetooth module in our robot car which gets connected to the phone‘s Bluetooth, that allows us to communicate and allows to take command over it. The task of controlling the car is done by the Arduino UNO which houses the microcontroller ATMEGA32. Arduino has played a major role in the robotic section and has made it easier to convert digital and analog signal to physical movements. The project is Bluetooth based because it gives us wider range of control and more efficiency. It also gives us the advantage of changing the remote anytime, meaning that we can use any android devices including phones, tablets, computers. Physical barriers like walls, doors, etc. do not effect in controlling the car.




1.1 background of the study

Nowadays robotic-vehicles have been widely used in various kinds of fields like industries, academic, research and development, militaries and so on. The robotic-vehicles are small vehicles designed for spying, surveillance and inspection purposes. They can be customized for specific applications and are made with some special features. They are remotely controlled vehicle, equipped with a camera, transmitting video data to the intervention troop. Troopers can access the situation in the room where the small vehicle is thrown. They are made to be small and compact enough to easily transport. Most of them are designed for use in rough terrain. In brief, robotic-vehicles must be small and lightweight, robust, mobile, tele-operated (wireless) . In this research, a movable robotic-vehicles with a smartphone controller is implemented. The vehicle is not quite huge one and designed to be easy in transportation. The remote controller, smartphone is to control the robot to reach the desirable destination. The robotic-vehicles is fundamentally made up of smartphone, Arduino-Uno microcontroller, L298 motor driver, DC motors and four movable wheels. When the user drives the robot with Bluetooth wireless technique via written App, the robotic-vehicles will move to desired destination.

Robotic-vehicles is a vehicle that operates without an on-board human presence while in contact with the ground. Robotic-vehicles is applicable where it may be inconvenient, dangerous, or impossible to have a human operator present. The vehicle will have a set of sensors to observe the environment, and will either autonomously make decisions about its behaviour or pass the information to a human operator at a different location who will control the vehicle through Tele-operation. Generally, there are two classes of robotic-vehicles ; remote-operated and autonomous robotic-vehicles. A remote-operated robotic-vehicles is a vehicle that acts upon directions given by a human operator in a remote location by means of a communication link. All movements are determined by the operator based upon remote sensory inputs such as visual line-of-sight observation or digital video cameras (Mithleysh, 2011). A remote control toy car employs the basic principle of Tele-operation. An autonomous robotic-vehicles vehicle on the other hand is a vehicle that employs artificial intelligence (AI) in all course of actions. An autonomous unmanned ground vehicle is able to travel from one point to another without human navigation assistance, work for extended durations without human intervention and may also be able to learn autonomously which includes modifying its decision making strategies without foreign assistance and also adapting to its surrounding environment. However, as with all machines, autonomous robots still require regular maintenance to ensure smooth operations (Mithleysh, 2011).


The problem of insurgency and terrorism in the country and international community is creating fear and anxiety among civilians, loss of lives of ground soldiers and civilians and loss of resources from governments. In a bid to counter this problem, a sophisticated unmanned ground vehicle with radar capabilities is implemented, which can be employed as a first line of defence to aid soldiers to examine an environment for terrorists and harmful devices from a remote location before approaching as an alternative line of defence.


The aim of this project is to design and implementation of wireless robotic car.

The objectives are:

  1. To develop an android application that will provide user an interface to interact with the Arduino powered car.
  2. To develop an appropriate program in the Arduino microchip to interact with the android controller.
  3. To compile all the developed modules that we constructed above.
  4. To produce Arduino car that is controlled by android phone remote which can be used in various fields, like defence, scientific expeditions and so on.
  5. To implement a smart robot that can acquire information about the environment and effectively teleport the information to an operator in a remote location.
  6. To display teleported real time information about the environment as a radar on the operator’s base station computer.
  7. To grant the operator full remote control of the unmanned ground vehicle’s movements.

1.4  Scope Definition  

The project is limited to designing an android interface, Arduino bot and write program in to the The project is limited to designing an android interface, Arduino bot and write program in to the arduino microprocessor. Arduino car contains Arduino microcontroller with basic mobility features. Arduino programs contains instructions mediating between android controller and Arduino car. Android mobile controller uses different mobile sensors to supervise motion.  Perfect operation of this device solely depends on the proximity of one communication device from the other. If an operator exceeds the maximum range of the transceiver modules (100 meters), communication between the operator and the unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) will be lost.


The implementation of this project appears straight forward at first consideration. Typically, it consists of two (2) parts as follows: the remote control and the Robotic car.

This is shown in the block diagram of Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Block diagram of the implemented project

Arduino robotic Car block diagram

The Robotic Car in this project is made to move in all four (4) directions using a remote control. The remote control circuit is built around ATMEGA328 microcontroller board, NRF24L01 wireless transceiver module and joystick module. The circuit uses a 5 volts battery bank.

The embedded hardware of the Robotic Car consisting of four (4) DC motors, two (2) L293D H-bridge motor driver IC, 74HC595 shift registers, NRF24L01 wireless transceiver module, servo motor, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, Zigbee module, battery banks, Li-Po batteries & Voltage, Regulators, Servo Motors, Wireless transceivers, Li-Po Battery, Wireless transceiver, Base Station Computer, Ultrasonic sensor. Robotic Car and a few common components is developed on the ATMEGA328 microcontroller board. Movement is achieved by the DC motors interfaced with the microcontroller through serial communication data sent from the remote control.

The ultrasonic sensor, servo motor and zigbee module perform the function of a radar to scan the environment. The ultrasonic sensor is mounted on the servo motor which is programmed to continually rotate from 15 degrees – 165 degrees. The result of the scan is the distance of the unmanned ground vehicle (given in meters or centimetres) from any obstacle encountered. This result is transmitted to an operator at a base station where it is displayed on a screen using an appropriate software.


The project is outlined in five (5) chapters. Chapter one gives a general introduction of what the project is all about. Chapter two reviews relevant literature. Design, implementation and testing of the project is presented in chapter three. Results obtained and discussion makes up chapter four. Chapter five gives the conclusion drawn and future recommendation towards improvement on the project.

Learn How To Build 4wheel Bluetooth Controlled Robotic Car Using Arduino

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